Entries by admin

Summer Course 2017: Day 1

10th International Summer Course at the Europe Center – here we go! Lama Ole Nydahl opened this year’s course with a public lecture in German language on Monday night.

The Lamas are back in town!

It amazes us every time our teachers are at the Europe Center how suddenly things seem to flow so much easier. We are so lucky to have two whole weeks in their presence before us!

Stupa birthday

When he inaugurated the 7 Swiss Stupas in 2001, Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche advised that the sangha should come together every year to celebrate the stupas’ “birthdays” together.


Activity weekends

Would you like to come for helping at the Europe Center? Our new activity weekends are a wonderful way to discover the EC and take part in the joyful activity indoors and outdoors.

Jazz Matinée

From Classical music to classic Jazz: our annual Matinée returned in new form after we took a break for a year.