Travelling Teachers’ Meeting
As every year, the travelling teachers from all over the world came to the Europe Center for a long weekend of exchange.
Most of the over 150 friends that have been asked by Lama Ole Nydahl to teach about Buddhism on his behalf have been his students for decades or many years, with very different cultural backgrounds. This time, people came from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Ukraine, Hungary, Belarus, Great Britain, the Czech Republic Slovakia and other countries. In between intense discussion about different topics related to teaching Diamond Way Buddhism, there was lots of space for jokes and laughter, catching up what’s been going on in each other’s lives and, last but not least, being great examples to guests of the Europe Center by cooking and cleaning for everyone present.
By the way, did you know there is a lecture or panel with Diamond Way teachers every Saturday night at the EC, if not even a whole weekend of lectures? Please come and enjoy whenever you like!