Summer Course 2017: Day 11 & 12

Nedo Rinpoche gave inspiring lectures in the mornings. His deep but also humorous teaching style kept everybody very attentive – and well-entertained, if we may say so. :)

In the afternoons, Rinpoche went for walks across the course site. He checked out the offers in the dharma shop and even gave the diligent cooks and helpers in the kitchen a hand with cooking dinner. Understandable that we caught some nicely surprised faces all around the course site with everybody being very happy about Nedo Rinpoche’s interest in what’s going on behind the scenes at the Summer Course. Talk about behind the scenes – Rinpoche also sat down for a portrait session with our team of photographers and it looks like they had just as much fun during the shoot as they did in the kitchen!

Tony Karam, president of Casa Tibet in Mexico City, whom we already had the pleasure of listening to at the previous Summer Course, deeply inspired us again with his vivid lectures in the evening.