Well, lets say this year the winter is a little bit lazy.
As every year, we came together to celebrate New Year’s Eve at the Europe Center.
What a cosy weekend at the EC! Sometimes it seems like it might be peaceful and quiet at the Europe Center, but when you look closely you will always find that there is something happening!
Every year, a lot of people from far and near celebrated New Year’s Eve at the EC. This year, again, we welcomed the New Year in the very best company.
Though we are Buddhists, it is usual part of each of our culture and family tradition to celebrate Christmas.
As every year, Sunday afternoon the children in the Europe Center had a visit by St Nicholas.
Friends from near and far met to deepen their personal practice by doing several meditation sessions per day.
Official kick-off of the Heartbeat Project was at this year´s Summer Course. Read what it is about and how the first “heartbeaters” expierenced it …
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