Activity Weekend October
Sunshiny weather, a couple of good friends and in the evening the satisfying feeling of having done some useful jobs. Making some new friends, laughing, meditating, spending intense time together!

Weekend course with Phil Carlisle
As the first event after this year's International Summer Course, we had the great pleasure to enjoy a whole weekend of teachings with Phil from Sydney.

Lama Ole's Closing Speech
On the last day of the course, Lama Ole reached out to his students in the Summer Course tent and all over the world with this touching speech we would like to share with you.

Summer Course 2017: Day 14
Nedo Rinpoche gave us another precious empowerment on the last day of this year's Summer Course: the initiation into White Liberatrice (Skt. Sita Tara, Tib. Dolkar). After the empowerment, Lama Ole touched us deeply with his closing speech

Summer Course 2017: Day 13
Today Nedo Rinpoche gave his first ever empowerment at the Europe Center: the initation into Diamond Mind (Skt. Vajrasattva Tib. Dorje Sempa), the united purifying power of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all times and directions.

Summer Course 2017: Day 11 & 12
Nedo Rinpoche gave inspiring lectures in the mornings. His deep but also humorous teaching style kept everybody very attentive – and well-entertained, if we may say so. :)

Summer Course 2017: Day 10
Welcome home to the Europe Center, Nedo Rinpoche! For the first time we have the honor of having Nedo Rinpoche with us at the EC – and Rinpoche certainly took the hearts by storm…

Summer Course 2017: Day 9
In the morning, it was time to say goodbye to Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, with lots of thankfulness and joy from all of us here at the EC.

16 Karmapas Exhibition
We are happy to share this year's exhibition in the gompa tent with you: very brief but at the same time deeply inspiring insights into the lives of the 16 Karmapas, the heads of the Karma Kagyü Lineage.

Summer Course 2017: Day 8
On Monday Sherab Gyaltsen gave the Sojong vows for the coming 24 hours to those who wished to take it. What followed was an intense day of meditation practice and an enriching experience of acting with greater awareness than usual.

Summer Course 2017: Day 7
Two empowerments given by Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche in one weekend: today, we received the initiation into the main protector of the Karma Kagyu Lineage: Black Coat (Skt. Mahakala).

Summer Course 2017: Day 6
Maniwa Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche today gave us the great gift of an empowerment into his own main meditation aspect: Loving Eyes (Skt. Avalokiteshvara, Tib. Chenrezig), the Compassion of all Buddhas.

A Mantra Wheel for the EC
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche inspected the Europe Center's "Porter's Lodge" this morning. The little house next to the old entrance gate is to become the home of a big prayer wheel.

Summer Course 2017: Day 5
It would be wonderful to be able to share all the precious teachings we are getting every single day at the moment from Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl…

Summer Course 2017: Day 4
Besides the precious teachings we are getting from the lamas, there is of course even so much more to the Summer Course than that. For example, Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche goes for a walk almost every day

Summer Course 2017: Day 3
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche gave his first in a series of lectures this morning. Rinpoche taught about Shine (Skt. Shamatha) meditation and emphasized on the 5 major points for proper body position.

Summer Course 2017: Day 2
Lectures, lectures, lectures… and quite a storm! Lama Ole answered boxes of questions in the afternoon while everybody tried to find their own way of dealing with 40+ degrees in the gompa tent.

Summer Course 2017: Day 1
10th International Summer Course at the Europe Center – here we go! Lama Ole Nydahl opened this year's course with a public lecture in German language on Monday night.

The Lamas are back in town!
It amazes us every time our teachers are at the Europe Center how suddenly things seem to flow so much easier. We are so lucky to have two whole weeks in their presence before us!

Building-up 2017: Done!
We celebrated the grand finale with a panel of Diamond Way teachers from Australia, the US and Israel and a fun Karaoke night in the pub!

Building up the Summer Course
We will let the pictures do the talking about how much fun it was and would like to thank all helpers involved!

Stupa birthday
When he inaugurated the 7 Swiss Stupas in 2001, Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche advised that the sangha should come together every year to celebrate the stupas’ “birthdays” together.

Activity weekends
Would you like to come for helping at the Europe Center? Our new activity weekends are a wonderful way to discover the EC and take part in the joyful activity indoors and outdoors.

Jazz Matinée
From Classical music to classic Jazz: our annual Matinée returned in new form after we took a break for a year.

Faces of the Transmission Weekend
We let the pictures do the talking if everybody had an amazing weekend or not…

Transmission Weekend with Lama Ole Nydahl
Lama Ole definitely gave us more than anyone could have expected: Mahamudra teachings by the 3rd Karmapa Rangjung Dorje, the Ganges Mahamudra by the great Mahasiddha Tilopa…

Lama Ole is back in the forest…
Following one of his oldest EC traditions, Lama Ole took to the Europe Center's own woods to cut some life trees.

Welcome Home Lama Ole
After more than half a year of retreat and traveling (which seemed like half an eternity to us here at the EC) Lama Ole Nydahl finally returned to the Allgäu – for a highly anticipated Mahamudra Transmission Weeke

Building up for the Transmission Weekend
Since Lama Ole had been gone so long, many hundreds of people registered for the Transmission Weekend, and we did our best to prepare things in a way that everybody would have a great time despite the "masses"…

Remembering Hannah Nydahl
Only a few days after we purchased the Europe Center, Hannah Nydahl, often referred to as the mother of Buddhism in the West, passed away on April 1, 2007.